Emphasising your back will definitely put you at an advantage come contest time as most bodybuilders look more impressive from the front than the back. A well developed back will give you a thicker look from the side and back while the extra width will accentuate the x-frame look from both the front and back. Here is my current back workout. I use the basics that work for me and add techniques like P.O.F, rest pause, x’s, DXO to increase intensity and stress on the muscles.
I train chest and back together, once every 8 days. Workouts take between 20-30 minutes. Below are my current workouts that I alternate between:
A Exercise Weight Reps Technique used
- Weighted Chins 25kg 10, 6, 2 rest pause
- Incline BB Bench 90kg 8, 3 rest pause
- Bent row 90kg 8, 4, 3 rest pause
- Incline Db flye 25kg 13, 6 rest pause
- Knee dead-lift 150kg 5, 5 rest pause
- V-dips BW 17+7, 5+5 rest pause, x’s
- Pullovers 30kg 9, 4 rest pause
B Exercise Weight Reps Technique used
- Blitz chain Chins* 16kg 8, 4, 2 rest pause
- Incline Db Bench 40kg 8, 3, 2 rest pause
- Supine row* 16kg 8, 4, 3 rest pause
- Incline Db flye 25kg 13, 6 rest pause
- Knee dead-lift 155kg 5, 5 rest pause
- Bench press up 20kg 12, 5 rest pause, DXO
- Straight arm pulldown 30kg 9, 4 rest pause, DXO
Chin ups and pull ups have been a mainstay in my workout since I began training. I alternate grips: supinated, pronated and semi-supinated as well as using a variety of grip widths. I continue to lift as heavy as I can right up to contests so I keep as much muscle as possible. At present I only weigh 66kg so adding weight with a vest/ belt is a necessity. Blitz chains are an excellent tool for back training (from Get strength) and the extra work on the stabilisers provides a wicked pump and soreness every time.
I perform a variation of a row every workout, with Db rows, supine rows and BB rows being my preferred choices. The supine row (using the blitz chains) is an excellent contracted exercise that hits my upper back like no other. I set the chains up so the handles hang about bench height. Lying on the ground holding the handles I place my feet on a bench and pull up as high as possible. I perform both standard and reverse BB rows for variety and to emphasise different muscle fibres. I utilise a pronated, semi-supinated and supinated grip when performing DB rows and pull towards my hip.
Knee/ Rack deadlifts give me the benefits that regular dead-lifts do without too much stress on my nervous system (and allowing my legs to recover properly). I also try to flare my lats on the concentric movement giving me a good pump throughout my back.
Db pullovers are awesome for the stretch position and also provide a great workout for the long head of the triceps too. You can emphasise the lats better by flaring your elbows out more. Straight arm pull-downs are a great contracted exercise and allow you to focus on the lats with minimal arm involvement (I use DXO predominately when performing this exercise).
If your back training is going no where give these basic back exercises a try and watch your back get bigger and better!!