I have come to realise over the years that your dreams really can come true if you believe in yourself, set goals and work towards them. I recently achieved another one of my childhood dreams in bodybuilding by featuring in the December 2013 issue of American Iron Man Magazine. As a thirteen year old my bodybuilding goals seemed so far away but luckily and maybe a little naively I always thought they were possible. Below are a few ideas on how you can start achieving your own goals.
The first thing you should do with any dream is to write it down because as soon as it is on paper it becomes more tangible. After that you need to come up with a plan to go about achieving it. The old anagram used to explain how you should set goals is a good start; Goals need to be:
TIME FRAMED (see my article: goal setting for success 2009)
However I have found that other “SMART” ideas, beliefs and values are just as important in determining whether you reach your goals.
Step by Step: Your long term goal or dream needs to be broken down into smaller more achievable parts or steps. This is important for several reasons as it allows you to enjoy small successes along the way, keeps you on track and fuels the belief that your goals are indeed within your reach.
Motivation: What motivates you to achieve your goals? Is it an innate desire that drives you? Is it external factors like competing against others, or is it receiving rewards, admiration and approval? Whatever drives you to succeed use it to give you the energy to keep moving forward.
Aim high: Sometimes setting realistic goals “in your eyes” may mean you are setting your sights way to low. Your personal beliefs about yourself and the opinions and expectations of other people may be holding you back. One of my favourite sayings is “What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” If you thought like this not only would set your goals a lot higher but you would definitely achieve beyond your current expectations!
Resilience: For me this word encompasses the fighting spirit, the mental toughness, the flexibility and ability to bounce back when things don’t go to plan; when life throws you a curve ball yet you are still able to make the most of a bad situation, learn from it and continue to grow and get closer to attaining your goals. Champions all have this ability and if you want something bad enough you should learn to develop this too.
Team & Teach: For me your team or the people around you have a huge influence in whether you attain your goals. Do you have supportive, positive and motivated people around you? If you don’t then your goals will be more difficult to achieve. Find people who are like minded and willing to help you on your journey whatever it maybe.
Teaching others is another powerful tool to help you reach your goals. Giving back, sharing and helping others reach their goals can be motivating in so many ways. It can enhance and solidify your ideals and beliefs, motivate you to aim higher and push you to learn more to help yourself and others succeed.
So what are you waiting for? Dream big! Set your “SMART” goals and make them become a reality!