Recently I discussed the health and fitness benefits of sleeping. However getting 8 hours of quality sleep each night can sometimes be harder to get than you think. Everyday life, eating habits and stress are just a few things that can stop you getting the muscle building slumber you need to make better progress from your time in the gym. Below are some strategies you can use to help you sleep better.
- Keep doing exercise like weight training! Research has shown that exercise definitely helps you sleep better. Just make sure you don’t over train as this can raise cortisol levels too high and cause you to sleep lighter and for shorter periods of time. Also most people should avoid training late at night as this can cause you to “wake up” when your body is supposed to be ready for sleep.
- “Set your body clock” Have a fixed sleeping schedule so your body gets used to a routine. Some research shows that going to bed before 11 pm and arising around 6-8 am as optimal sleeping times. However it depends on the individual as our natural body rhythms can differ. Also our normal work hours impact when we get to sleep too.
- Have a pre bed ritual of having a warm cup of milk, reading a book or listening to some relaxing music. It could be a massage or some form of light stretching. Anything that makes you feel relaxed. Others suggest watching something funny on TV as opposed to horrors or thrillers. If you go to bed with unresolved problems it can increase stress and prevent sleep. Make a habit of writing them down before you go to bed with the intention that you will deal with them the next day.
- Avoid using electronic devices late at night. The blue light from computers, smart phones and TVs can affect our circadian rhythm (our body clock over 24 hours) which regulates our body’s ability to get sleepy. So keep all electronic devices out of the bedroom!
- Make sure your room is completely dark and quiet. Any light can trick your body into thinking it is day time and wake you up. Even face your alarm clock away from the bed so the light does not disrupt your sleep. If noise is unavoidable wear ear plugs.
- Make sure you get some light first thing in the morning and during the day- get outside and take in some rays as this will help to regulate your natural body clock.
- Reduce stress during the day. Take little time outs or make sure you change tasks on a regular basis. Don’t take on too much at work if it makes you feel too stressed and have the ability to say “No” when you need to.
- Eat a diet balanced in protein, fats, carbs, vitamins, minerals and water so that your body has the nutrients it needs to support your body to induce and sustain sleep. Something as simple as drinking enough water so you don’t wake up thirsty during the night can make a huge difference in the quality of your sleep. The time that you eat can also impact on the quality of sleep you have. I eat most of my calories at the end of the day around 4-6 pm as I find this helps me to sleep better. When I used to only have a small meal at night I would struggle to go to sleep and wake up too early.
- Avoid stimulants 4-6 hours before bed like caffeinated drinks as the stimulatory effect can keep you awake for hours. I personally can only get away with having a coffee in the morning otherwise two things happen- I go to sleep at a normal time and wake up at 3 am or I can’t go to sleep until 2-3 am. Either way it is a shocking sleep!
- Utilise supplements to regulate sleeping patterns. I use methylcobalamin (B12) first thing in the morning as it helps to set my body clock. It helps switch off melatonin in the morning (the hormone that induces sleep at night) so when bed time rolls around melatonin kicks in when it should to help me go to sleep. Magnesium is another awesome sleep aid- I use it every night (400-800mg). Research shows that a deficiency in magnesium can stop the brain from relaxing and settling down at night. There are also a number of effective sleep inducing formulas you can buy which can include 5-HTP, magnesium, valerian, passion flower, vitamin C and zinc to name a few.
If a lack of sleep has been compromising your gains in the gym give these simple strategies a try and I guarantee a better nights’ sleep! Awesome dreams everyone!