It is only two weeks out from the NABBA/WFF Christchurch competition I am entering this year so I thought I would share my food and training log for the last week I have just completed to give you an idea of how I have been prepping for it. The good thing is my strength is up on last year in all exercises which reflects my focus more on myofibrillar (muscle fibre) growth compared to working primarily on sarcoplasmic(muscle fluid) growth. (Whether this translates in a better look is another thing J). Posing practise is on days I train so rest days are for REST. I had been intermittent fasting 16 hours with an 8 hour eating window with only 3-4 meals, but after my body fat loss stalled I decided to revert back to the Warrior Diet (under eating and over eating at night). Straight away I saw progress!
DATE | BW | All weights are in kilos. | |
Fri 26/4 | 63.4 | Full body workout
1. Squat: 100x5, 140x5,120x6 2. Romanian D-lift: 100x10 3. 1-leg curl: 36x14,7 4. seated calf raise: stackx25 5. chins: 20x10,5 BWx10 6. DB fly press: 41.5x10, 30x11,7 7. High Pull: 80x10,5 8. face pull: 45x11,11 9. reverse curl: 50x6,4 10. push downs: 40x11,10 |
1. 60g unflavoured whey with natvia*5 tabs spirulina 2. 2 raw carrots with lemon juice and 240g lentils 3. 60g unflavoured whey with natvia*+5g glutamine 4. 180g lamb, head of broccoli, 500g green beans, whole onion, 3 cloves garlic, 2 courgettes, 2 carrots, seasoning(10g fish oil), 5g ghee
Supps: B-12, 300-450g magnesium, milk thistle, rhodiola rosea, 10g fish oil, NO supplement before training. |
27/4 |
Rest day | Meals
1. 30g unflavoured whey with natvia*5 tabs spirulina 2. 30g unflavoured whey with natvia*(10g fish oil) 3. 2 raw carrots with lemon juice/ or 240g lentils 4. 30g unflavoured whey with natvia*+5g glutamine 5. 180g lamb, head of broccoli, 500g green beans, whole onion, 3 cloves garlic, 2 courgettes, 2 carrots, seasoning(10g fish oil), 5g ghee 6. 30g unflavoured whey with natvia*+5g glutamine
Supps: B-12, 300-450g magnesium, milk thistle, rhodiola rosea, 10g fish oil |
28/4 |
62.4 | Upper body
1. DB row: 57x13, 45x13 2. DB fly press: 45x5, 30x13 3. Cable row: 75x12,8,5 4. DB decline press 35x15,10,10 5. Omni-cable raise: 12x16,10,10,8 6. Omni DB row: 35x13,12,11 |
Same as day before except 180g monkfish with meal 5 instead of lamb.
Supps: B-12, 300-450g magnesium, milk thistle, rhodiola rosea, 10g fish oil, NO supplement before training.
29/4 |
62.4 | Rest day | Same as day before except 180g lamb with meal 5 instead of monkfish.
Supps: B-12, 300-450g magnesium, milk thistle, rhodiola rosea, 10g fish oil |
30/4 |
62.6 | Lower body
1. Deadlift:100x5,140x5,180x3,140x10 2. BB Hack squat: 120x11 3. 1-Leg curl: 40x11,7 4. calf raise: stack+35 x16,11 5. DB curl 26x8 6. Reverse curl 40x17,11 7. DB pullover ext: 45x8 8. Omni tri-pushdowns: 40x9,9 |
Same as day before except 180g monkfish with meal 5 instead of lamb.
Supps: B-12, 300-450g magnesium, milk thistle, rhodiola rosea, 10g fish oil, NO supplement before training.
1 /5 |
62.2 | Rest day | Same as day before.
Thurs2/5 | 62.6 | Upper body
1. Cable row: 95x5, 85x5, 70x6 2. Omni DB fly press: 41.5x9,30x12,7 3. DB row: 57x14, 45x14 4. Decline Bench: 100x7, 90x6 5. Omni DB row: 35x17,12,11 6. Omni-cable raise: 12x10,10,8,6
Same as day before except 180g lamb with meal 5 instead of monkfish.
Supps: B-12, 300-450g magnesium, milk thistle, rhodiola rosea, 10g fish oil, NO supplement before training. |
3/5 |
62.6 | Rest day | Same as day before except 2 rice cakes with meal 5. |
*natvia is a natural sweetener containing stevia and erythritol.
This diet and training programme will carry on through until competition day. So:
Sat 4/5: Lower body
Mon 6/5: Upper Body
Wed 8/5: Lower Body
Fri 10/5: Upper Body
Sun 12/5: Lower Body
Tue 14/5: Upper Body
Thu 16/5: Lower Body
The only changes diet wise will be rice cakes or lentils added when I look a little flat. In the last week I will begin water loading: Wednesday and Thursday I will have 5 litres of water, Friday 4 litres and sip water when thirsty on the day (Drug free bodybuilders should never restrict water intake leading up to a show!) I season my main food meal at night with my favourite spices and salt right up until show; just have a little less on Friday night before the comp.
So that’s my prep for 2013! As you can see it is a pretty simple training and diet regime that has served me well in the past. If you decide to take the plunge and compete find what works for you, believe in your training and diet, stick to the plan and give it your best!