I can remember being a keen teenager and picking up my first muscle magazine. In it were articles written by a number of pro bodybuilders. The articles espoused large volume, high intensity and frequency. As a result I began training 6 days a week for well over an hour on top of completing a 2 hour milk run every night, playing rugby, touch rugby and all the rest!! As you guessed I did not put on a lot of muscle. It wasn’t until I cut back on my training that I began to see progress.
However, in saying that it still took years of over training before I realised I had not achieved much for all the hard work I had put in! So where do you find reliable, good advice for the average natural trainer. Most muscle magazines still often promote lengthy sessions completed by pro-bodybuilders (which can work for a few natural freaks), but there are a lot of good training ideas out there as long as you consider several things.
I believe natural trainers need to listen to their bodies more than their chemically enhanced peers. They also need to be more scientific when developing productive training routines. If x amount of training has you still feeling sore or weaker the next time you train there is a good chance you’re overtraining (especially if you’re eating right, sleeping enough and have a handle on your stress levels). Below is an example of how my training has evolved over the last 3 years based on work responsibilities, stress, progress in the gym, feedback and results in competitions.
I have all my training logs back to 2004. This has allowed me to monitor progress, evaluate results and make adjustments where necessary.
In 2006 I used straight sets with my normal workouts lasting 1 hour 3 to 4 times per week.
Here was a typical workout:
Shoulders & Arms
Db Press 3 x 6-10
Db shrugs 3 x 6-10
Db side row 3x 6-10
Db side raise 3 x 10-15 Total sets: 27
Db bent raise 3x 10-15
Db Curls 3 x 6-10
Dips 3 x 6-10
Hammer curls 3 x 6-10
Pushdowns 3 x 6-10
In 2007 I began to incorporate DC training/ ROB training (rest pause training) as my progress had stagnated and I wanted to increase intensity and reduce training time. I also added x-rep training (especially DXO- 1 and a ½ reps). Workouts were down to 40-45 minutes.
Shoulders & Arms
Db press DXO 3 sets: goal rep range 11-15(total reps for 3 sets).
Cable 1 arm side row: 3 sets
Reverse bent rows: 3 sets
Shrugs 3 sets
Dips 3 sets
Overhead Tri Ext DXO 3 sets Total sets: 24
DB incline curl 3 sets
Db concentration curl DXO 3 sets
I noticed I began to recover better and feel fully fit for each session. However after several months and as the weights I used began to climb, my body began to exhibit the signs of over training. I decided to cut back on volume further. I also felt my front deltoids were overpowering so I decided to omit shoulder pressing and focus on side and rear deltoids. I still used DC training, DXO and also started incorporating (P.O.F*) while adding x-reps* on the last set of selected exercises. Training time was around 30 minutes.
Shoulders & Arms
DB side row 3 sets
Leaning Db raise 3 sets
Db bent row 3 sets
Reverse curl 3 sets Total sets: 21
Concentration curl 3 sets
Dips 3 sets
DB tri ext 3 sets
This served me well for most of 2008. I was extremely busy at work so it was good for me to hit my muscles hard without taxing my nervous system too much. I also wanted to hit my deltoids from more angles to activate as many muscle fibres as possible (you can never be wide enough!) while still having enough in the tank to recover properly. I also wanted my arms to look thicker.
This year I am still focusing on width. I also wanted to see if training within a shorter time frame would be even easier on my nervous system. Again it has been great to trust my own instincts as I have never slept better, weights feel lighter and every workout is full of intensity. I have also added static holds to the mix.
Shoulders & Arms
Db omni side row (mid range) 2 sets
Leaning Db raise (contracted) 2 sets with x-reps
Db bent row (mid range) 2 sets Total sets: 16 sets
Db incline raise (stretch) 2 sets with x-reps
Dip (superset 1) 2 sets with static hold* (contracted)
Leaning alt DB curl (superset 1) 2 sets with XTD* set & x-reps
Db tri ext (superset 2) 2 sets
Concentration curl (superset 2) 2 sets with XTD set
*XTD= when curling I use a supinated grip, when I can no longer perform any more reps I rotate internally to a semi-supinated grip to further extend the set.
STATIC HOLD= after completing a normal set I hold weight in a static hold either in the contracted, mid range or stretch position (this depends on exercise).
I am currently alternating 2 shoulder & arm workouts so that I fully develop both my deltoids and arms. The workout takes about 20-22 minutes to complete. The great thing is my entire training for the week is now around 1 hour and 15 minutes!! I am also leaner at a heavier weight than last year as the way I train means I do not rest between sets. NO CARDIO which is awesome. I know I’ll never be the biggest bodybuilder but it is great to see progress!!
My exercise selection is based on *Positions of Flexion for each body part while also choosing exercises that I feel in the muscle bellies, not my joints.
So to sum up- there is a lot of good information out there- you just have to experiment, listen to your body and keep records so that you have something to base your training adjustments on. I realise the way I train would not suit everyone but it works for me as a natural athlete and that’s what counts.