Lately I have been using 4X training (4×10) on most exercises which involves selecting a weight you can normally do 15 reps with and trying to complete 4 sets of 10 with it while only having minimal rest periods (20-40 seconds). I have been alternating it every second workout with rest-pause training. With rest-pause I again choose a weight I can use for 15 reps but shoot for maximum reps over 3 sets (same rest periods as 4X). After looking over my training diary I was surprised to find that I was able to do the same if not more reps with the same weight when doing rest-pause for 3 sets than 4×10. So I put my own spin on Steve Holman’s and Jonathan Lawson’s 4X training protocol by combining it with rest-pause (Check out for more info).
Basically I choose a weight I can complete 15 reps with and shoot for 20 first set, around 10 reps second set and around 4-6 for sets 3 & 4. So still the same sets and rep goal of 40 reps as 4×10 (and rest periods) but going to failure on Set 1 & 2 (sometimes 3 & 4 also) as opposed to only going to failure on Set 4.
It has been successful so I thought I would go into more detail into why I think it has been effective in improving my strength and muscle gains recently.
Aiming for 20 reps first set means I can maximise T.U.T (T.U.T=Time your muscles are under tension; research has shown that aiming for 40+ seconds T.U.T can be effective at stimulating muscle growth). It also seems to get me in the right level of activation mentally and physically (in the zone) and provides comparable central nervous system stimulation to when I use deadlifts and squats to start workouts but without the heavy loads (every exercise after that seems “mentally” easier!) I also wonder if this helps to increase testosterone and growth hormone like deadlifts and squats can do too.
Second set is to failure with the goal of getting half the amount of reps as set one (ideally around 10 reps).
Set 3 & 4 can be either to failure or sub failure depending on several factors: how strong I feel, making sure I beat last week’s numbers and how close I am to reaching my 40 rep goal. Some weeks I can reach 40 reps with 2 sets going to failure with the other 2 sets only to sub-failure. Other times I will complete all sets to failure. The rep range for sets 3 & 4 can be from 2-8 (ideally around 4-6)
After reaching (or just passing) 40 reps with a given weight I will add weight and begin to build the numbers back up to 40 again over 4 sets. (Sometimes I have added more weight and completed more reps the following week!)
I have to say 4X has been awesome for several reasons.
My CNS (central nervous system), joints and muscles all recover around about the same time now whereas in the past when I tried to get stronger and bigger through heavy weights and lower reps and sets my joints and nervous system recovered a lot slower than my muscles.
The change in training protocols has meant I can now train muscle groups twice every 8 days compared to once every 7-11 days!
Having 4 sets (or 4 attempts) at beating a rep goal of 40 is easier mentally and physically. Even getting 1 extra rep over 4 sets is progress!
I get a far better pump!
I get in the zone better.
As a result I have definitely made strength and muscle gains. The short rest periods between 4X means I don’t have to do any cardio and I am leaner now than I used to be during the off-season too.
However there are 2 exercises I don’t do 4X on and they are squats and deadlifts. I usually pick a weight after 2 lighter warm up sets and go for 15-20 reps on these exercises.
Here is my latest training split I have been using 4X with.
Legs & Arms (A) Quad focus
1. Leg ext. 4X
2. BB old style hacks 4X
3. Squats 2 warm up sets then 1 set to positive failure 15-20 reps
4. Calf raise 4X
5. Weighted Dips (triceps) 2X + drop set with static hold in semi stretched position.
6. Spider curls 4X
7. DB Pullover extension 4X (cross between a skull crusher and DB pullover) works triceps hard and good muscle synergy with utilising the lats when it gets hard near the end of a set.
Chest, Back & Shoulders (A)
1. Chin ups 4X
2. Bench press 4X
3. BB/Smith machine row 4X
4. Reverse grip low cable cross over press 4X
5. BB Back shrugs 4X (with more emphasis on shoulder extension than scapula elevation) Great contracted exercise for rear delts.
6. Lying incline lateral raise.
7. BB behind back forearm curl.
Legs & Arms (B) Hamstring focus
1. Smith machine Feet forward squats (same rep/sets as squats in (A))
2. Standing 1 leg curl 4X
3. Dumbbell “almost” stiff legged deadlift 4X
4. Leg press calf raise
5. Dumbbell curl 4X
6. Tri push out 4X (like a triceps pushdown except I am more flexed at the hips and elbows are aimed at weight stack not the ground.
7. Reverse cable curl 4 X
Back, Chest & shoulders (B)
1. Deadlift 2 warm up sets. 1 set to positive failure 15-20 reps
2. BB Incline Bench 2X + NA set
3. DB Row 4X
4. DB incline fly press 4X
5. Omni DB Row 4X (1 arm version of Larry Scotts side raise but at different angles)
6. DB lean raises 4X
7. Cable forearm curl 4X
I have really enjoyed this spin on 4X training! If you are looking for a change and a challenge give this training protocol a try and see if it does the business for you!