Fat is good! 2015

Over the years fat has been given a bad rap.  Now don’t get me wrong there are good and bad fats.

Fats like vegetable oils (really they are seed oils that have been often created through use of harmful chemicals), margarines and the fats used in processed and fast foods are in my opinion bad.  Good fats, the ones our bodies have been using for hundreds and thousands of years are the ones that naturally occur or require very little processing, these are: fish and fish oil, olive oil, fat in and on meat, the yolk in eggs, butter and ghee.

A myth that has perpetuated for decades is that saturated fat increases cholesterol which leads to heart disease.  Research now is suggesting that it does not raise bad cholesterol (LDL), but the good cholesterol (HDL) thus improving the cholesterol ratio within the body.  We actually need cholesterol to optimise hormone production in both males and females.

Another myth is that fat is the reason people are obese- it is the inflammatory, low nutrient and insulin producing sugar and processed carbs that are the real culprits to our modern day obesity epidemic.

Before I discuss the benefits of fat I would just like to say that the quality of the fat will be determined by the manner in which it is processed and fed.  For example olive oil should be extra virgin and cold pressed.  Animals used for meat should be pasture fed or be able to eat their natural diet so that the fats are high quality and contain higher levels of omega 3.  That is why lamb is my favourite meat.

So what are the benefits of fats?

  • It reduces food cravings.
  • It helps the body assimilate nutrients from food better. For ladies that means better digestion of calcium and other nutrients necessary for healthy bones.
  • It helps your body utilise fat soluble vitamins too.
  • It optimises your hormone levels- for guys that means more testosterone!
  • Your brain has a high fat content-fat helps our brains to function properly which in turn can improve your mood, concentration and motivation.
  • It helps you lose fat easier.
  • It will improve eye health and hair condition.
  • It decreases inflammation in the body- especially omega 3.
  • Animal fat and ghee handle cooking and high temperatures well with no oxidisation which can cause inflammation in the body.
  • It can reduce the rate and amount of insulin being released so you don’t store body fat as easily.
  • Omega 3 fats have been used to change behavior in children with ADHD.
  • Some fats like coconut oil (caprylic acid) have antifungal properties which can improve gut and immunity.
  • It tastes really really good!

I suggest you get at least 2-5 grams of omega 3 in your daily diet. I personally have used higher doses of 10-20 grams in the past with great results.  Increasing your Omega 3 content so that it is higher than omega 6 is the goal with a ratio of 2-3 to 1 in terms of omega 3 to 6 intake being optimum. Also get some saturated fats in every day.

So add some good fats to your diet, reduce your intake of processed carbs and you will not only have a myriad of health benefits come your way but a better physique to boot!

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